we hold courage, justice, and joy at the heart of our work

Acknowledging the historical roots of oppression and injustice as we examine how they manifest in today’s structures and practices
Admitting when you’re wrong
Being seen, heard, and appreciated




Justice looks like...

Our values ground and propel how we engage.





Courage looks like...
Putting something on the line for someone else
Making space and sharing power in the face of resistance
Showing up vulnerable, wholehearted, humble, and curious
Speaking your truth and saying the hard thing
Saying what’s possible and taking that action







Centering and amplifying the voices and experiences of those who are the most marginalized
Restoring relationships to wholeness, healing from harm, and creating trust and collective accountability
Building the practices and structures necessary to sustain change

Joy looks like...
Seeing, hearing, and appreciating those around you, those who came before you, and those who will come after
Spaciousness for stillness, reflection, and gratitude
Being connected and inspired
Doing what you need to restore
Seeking wholeness in mind, body, and spirit







made with love by soul studio

